Gluten Free Oat & Matcha, Waffles with Cassava

Gluten Free Oat & Matcha, Waffles with Cassava

45 mins
3 servings
229 kcal per serving


  • Gluten-Free Quaker Oats 40g
  • Banana 1/2
  • Bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon, squeezed (could be substituted with a lime) 1
  • Cassava flour 100g
  • Matcha powder 1/2 tsp
  • Ground, dried seaweed small pinch
  • Egg 1
  • Unsalted butter 10g
  • Olive oil 2 tsp
  • Optional:
  • Low fat Greek yoghurt 45g
  • Raspberries 30g
  • Strawberries 30g
  • Mango cubes 30g


Important - DO NOT taste the raw batter, cassava flour cannot be eaten raw.

  1. Turn on the waffle iron to hottest setting and allow to come to temperature.
  2. In a microwave or in a small pan melt the butter and the oil together.
  3. In the jug of a blender place the banana and all remaining ingredients, blend them all together (the mixture will be bubbly).
  4. Brush the oil/butter mixture onto the waffle iron and pour about a third of the mixture onto the waffle iron, the mixture will spread and puff up as it cooks so no need to fill the waffle iron will the mixture.
  5. Allow each waffle to cook for two minutes, then check to see how much more cooking is needed.
  6. Waffles will be crisp and golden when cooked. Continue making waffles with the remaining mixture and serve immediately. Serve with Greek yoghurt, mixed berries and yoghurt.

Chef’s tip:
Either Maple syrup or Cashew butter make a great additional topping for an occasional treat

Storage instructions
Store in an airtight container between layers of parchment paper in the fridge. Re-heat in the toaster before serving.

How long they keep for:
2 days

Note: Cassava flour can be substituted for 80g of All Purpose Flour. If you can't find Matcha powder, substitute for 1tsp of vanilla extract.

Quaker Oat So Simple Gluten Free
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